

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Early Mornings

Hi everyone,

So I thought I would talk about morning's and getting up early. Now I have to say when it's comes to getting up early or even getting out of bed I really do struggle espically on weekends. But I am on holidays at the moment so I can have a sleep in but on school morning and getting up for sport this is where I have a few tips.

Tip 1: Set an alarm: yeah I know it's a really common tip but it is really usefull. But if you are like me and don't listen to your first alarm always set another or use the snooze button. So what I suggest is if you have to be out of bed at a certain time say like 7:00am, I suggest setting your frist alarm for 6:45am. This way it tells you that it's almost time to get up and it also wakes up your body up as well. Then either have the snooze bottom set on for 15 minutes or set you other alarm for 7:00am. I find this really useful because I do like to sleep in the morning and by having two alarms it gives you time to wake up.

Tip 2: Splash some water on your face. If you still feel really tried, go to your bathroom and splash some water onto your face, I know it's sounds wired but it's wakes up your body up a little, because if you don't have a shower in the morning sometimes it's hard to wake up your body.

Tip 3: Have to some breakfast. After begin a asleep for 8-12 hours and your like me and love food, breakfast is always a good option, and if your also like me and always find it a struggle to have breakfast just try and eat something as it will fuel you up for the rest of day and it's always a long morning before recess so it's better to eat something than not eat at all. If you go find it a struggle to eat something, then try something like a breakfast drink. Up and Go's are good, as if you are like me and do sports in the mornings it's always good to have something to have afterwards. Now I know that Up and Go's don't taste that great but are still nice but what I do is a freeze them and before I go to sport I will take it out of the freezer and put it in my bag, and after sports it will still be frozen but it would be drinkable and what I do is I would stick the straw into to the up and go and then take it out and suck the rest through the straw now I know it sounds strange and odd but it is a alternative if you don't like drinking it straight from the actually drink it's self. I guess it's sounds wried but it's really it's tastes really nice and it short of tastes like a frozen milkshake if that makes sense.

So there are just some simple tips for getting started in the morning. I hope that some of you find them useful.

See you next time ❤️


  1. I've been going to the gym in the mornings for two weeks now :) Love that I have integrated it into my routine :)

    Great blog :) Do you want to follow each other?


    1. Great job and thank you!!
      Yeah sure I will follow you :)

  2. Your blog is fabulous!
    Check out mine?

    1. Thank you!! and you have a great blog as well!!!
