

Friday, November 1, 2013

Just a little sunshine

Hi everyone,

I know its been while and I'm deeply for sorry for that, but as its a new month it can be fresh start. So a few days the lovely wonderful  +Jessica Allen   nominated me for a sunshine award, which I am honoured and I am very grateful for it, so thank you very much Jessica, (go and check out her blog its  amazing!).

The idea of the sunshine award is about nominating eleven bloggers who put a little sunshine in your day and who are positive, creative and inspiring.

The rules:
-You have to post a picture of the Sunshine award in the blog post.
-Post 11 random facts about yourself.
-Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
-Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers.
-Write 11 questions for them to answer
-Let the blogger you nominated you know you have nominated them. 

11 Random Facts
1. My favourite colour is blue.
2. I have a pet dog named Sally.
3. My favourite meal is fish and chips, and my family has it every Friday night.
4. I have been Canada and Japan.
5. My family is big on skiing.
6. I row.
7. I lived in America when I was little, and you could say I lived in the same town as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.
8. I have no brothers and sisters.
9. My favourite animal is an owl.
10. I really want to go to New York when am I older. (hence the name)
11. Drama is my favourite subject.

Questions form Jessica

1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogger for enjoyment, it was something I wanted to do for a while. My blog is a place where I can write and able to express myself and be able to connect with people with similar interests. 

2. Flats or Heels?
I like both. Flats I like for everyday wear and going out for picnics, and Heels for getting dressed up for parties.

3. What's your biggest regret?
Its really hard to say because the saying go you should live life and have no regrets and like theres things that I wished I did but I think I might save that question for latter on in my life.

4. If you could have a special power what power would you have?
I think thats a tough question because there is so many cool powers, I find it really had choose just one. But if I had to choose one it would be teleport just so I could get to places faster and be able to sleep in more in the mornings.

5. Your favourite TV show?
I have a few. I am a fan of Vampire Dairies, I do like the Carrie Dairies and Pretty Little Lairs, I also got into Sherlock and I also watch Ja'mie Private School Girl and Gossip Girl.

6. What's your favourite quote?
I atcually don't have one. But I do like to say quotes from a number of things, like TV Shows, Movies (so many from Pitch Perfect) and tumblr as well.

7. What has been the most terrifying moment in your life and why?
I think it would have to be when my friend got slapped in the face by a man when we were having a picnic in the park and we had to spend the afternoon at the police station, I rather not go into too much detail.

8. Who's your role model and why?
I think I would say my mum and dad as their always there for me, have supported me over years and have always given me advice for the tough and good times and I don't think I could go a day without them as their mean the world to me.

9. One thing you couldn't live without?
My family and friends and also the internet (I really don't have an excuse for that)

10. What's your most memorable memory about your time at primary school?
I think it would be my first year as it was just a really good year it was my most happiest year at primary school and it was a great start into primary school and the rest of my school life, I just found it to be a really good highlight to reflect on.

11. What is your favourite season of the year?
Spring, as everyone happy as its almost summer and winter has finish and also its not too hot and its just a really nice temperature.

My Nominees:

Charlotte Rose

Kelly Ann Gonsalves


Kattie Kate

I only have four but I will nominate others with my next blog. But good luck for the nominees you guys have really good blog and I enjoy reading them.

My Questions for You:
1. Your biggest fear?
2. If you were to go anywhere in the world where would you go?
3. If you had three wishes what would their be?
4. If you could have a date with anyone who would it be?
5. Lipstick or Eyeshadow?
6. Your favourite book right now?
7. What song are you listening to right now or did listen to today?
8. Your favourite movie of all time?
9. If you could time travel what century would you like to visit the most?
10. Do you have a highlight of your life so far?
11. Who would you have dinner with? John Green or Harry Styles? 

Its been really fun doing this tag and thank you so much Jess for nominating me. I hope you all have had a wonderful week.

See you next time x


  1. Hello there! I would like to thank you personally for nominating me for The Sunshine Award! I really appreciate it! Have a great day! :)
