

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Hi everyone,

So here in Australia September holidays are coming up and if your are in year 12 or for some year 11 this holiday is often unpopular. For one reason and one reason only EXAMS!!!

Yes the time has come and it's EXAM SEASON!!! (You probably hate me for reminding you) but don't worry I have been in your position and know the pain.

I know I already made a post for studding for exams however I thought I would go more in depth as year 12 ones are slightly more involved and also in the holidays you guys have (well mostly likely have) mock trails.

DISCLAIMER: this is just one approach to study, as everyone is different and if you have your own method and it works it's best to stick will that. However mostly likely you have type into goggle 'HOW TO STUDY FOR YEAR 12 EXAMS' and magical you have found this post, then welcome and allow me to be your guide.

Here we go:

Tip one - BREAK :  When entering these holidays is don't study straight way, at least give yourselves a few days break. I can't stress this enough as if you don't have some kind of holiday, you will most definitely will burn out. I know that there are mock trails but it's mock trails and all it's really doing to just giving you a taste for what the real exam is like and the marks you get on your mock trail don't count towards anything and you still have over a month to study (so don't panic if your overwhelm but all the practices exams your teachers have given, as that is also meant to carry you through the next month of study). So have a break and allow yourself to relax (for a little while, don't get too carry away!) For me, our school finished on Thursday I didn't start study until the following Tuesday but the Tuesday was really pointless cause it was more getting myself organized for holiday study (so I really started on the Wednesday. However my school has three week so we had two weeks for study, as I know that other school only get two so if you only have two I would suggest take Monday off and start on Tuesday.

Tip Two - DONT PRACTICE EXAM : you will be given out a lot of practices exams however don't begin will them. Save them as otherwise you get to a point where you will have nothing to do. For me I didn't start with practice exams until halfway through second week of holidays and I was only doing bits and pieces of some and just picking out questions from the exams to do (this I mainly did for Mathis, theater studies and global). English I didn't do practice essays until after mock trails in the holidays I focused on fleshing out my ideas and writing paragraphs for each of my ideas. Mind mapping is gold for English study, helps flesh out ideas and you can make heaps for all types of themes, concepts and ideas. Also September holidays is the time to have English study groups, the more you work together the better. It's better to study in a group for English and mind map together cause the you can bounce ideas off each other (suggestion: do the study group at a library or school cause your less likely to be distracted and more motivated to get work done). So post pone practice exams until you feel confident enough will all the course material. September the mouth to review (course material) and October is the month to do (practice exam)

TIP THREE - STUDY AWAY - don't study at home (it's an easy option however there probably good wifi, TV and also your bed, therefore it's less likely you will be in the mood to study) For me I went up to my school at did my study, there as then when I came home it was actually home and I can go on the Internet, watch TV and sleep and relax. Go somewhere to study just in general is a lot better and you become more motivated to study because your not surrounded by distractions, and then at home you can do things that are not study. I suggest go somewhere spend a couple of hours doing study (around about 4 -5ish - you don't want to over study so doing over 5 hrs can most likely lead to burn outs at the end) once you have done your hours come home and get spend the rest of your day doing other things.

TIP FOUR - HAVE A PLAN : if your like me and have horrible organizational skills (September holiday is the time to fix that ) don't attempt to do every subject in one day, just spilt in evenly around therefore you allowing your self to have more focus on the subject and not go from one thing to another.
For me I didn't have like times I did mine in blocks (eg morning, midday and afternoon) and therefore each day I would cover three subjects (eg morning: English (I always did English in the morning cause I wanted to get that out of the away) midday (either maths or global) and afternoon (either theater or design) I alway had English but move between the other subjects.

Well those were my tips  (these tips can be applied for any be exam) Hope you enjoyed!
See you next time xx

Thursday, August 25, 2016


Deciding Your Life. - Should I take a Gap Year?

Hi everyone, 

I thought I would make this post regarding “what to do after your last year of school." If your in Australia its almost near the end of school and open days for uni have started which means, "will you go to uni?". Now the obvious answer would be uni however uni is not for everyone and if your thinking about taking a gap then that’s okay. 

For me during yr 12 especially there was so focus on ATTAR and what uni you will go to and for me I ended up thinking that was normal, that after yr 12 you would go onto uni and so forth. Now I knew that there were things like gap years but at my school it wasn’t really encourage therefore you wouldn’t consider it too much. 

Now entering uni you come across a whole range of people. Mum’s that have decided to go back to study and get a degree, others who have do several years of uni in different courses and some who have taken a few years off for travel. 
So if your one of those people who think that taking a gap year will mean you’ll be behind everyone else, don’t because there is a lot of people who are in the same position, and at uni everyone is all different ages so it doesn’t matter. 

Overall after high school everything falls onto you, which can be scary and after years of being told what to do and what not to do, being responsible for everything can be tough. I have struggled and still am but it’s your life so do what you want to do and not feel pressured to be something your not. As cheesy as that last sentence was, its very much true.

Well that was some food for thought. 
Hope your all well. 
See you next time. 

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

It's been a while!!

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while. The past couple of months (or however long it's been) has been crazy. So let's catch up!

So last year was year 12. That's all I have to say really.

Moving on.

This year is my first year of university. Yes it's been exciting but it's also been challenging. I under estimated how different uni was going to be from school and overall I have being feeling down. I have put down to a number factors, such as the change from school to uni, also getting use to being an 'adult'.

The one thing that school hardly touch on was how to handle everything that comes with being an adult, such as taxes and now everything is on you. Espically at my school there was so much focus on scores what uni you were going to, and all your time was spent studying in order to achieve the score to get into uni. Lucky for me it was about my score for uni but the my level or art and design skills that I had to offer.

So now that I am in uni I being to question whether uni was the best option or am I doing to right course. As during high school you hear stories how uni is a breeze you don't work as hard as you doin year 12 and no one cares, which it's not true, espically in my course. But don't get me wrong that course itself is good and offers a lot a jobs when finishing, but for me I am still going through my adjustment period. Which really doesn't help when I see some of my other friends find themselves straight away and going to all these parties and made heaps of new friends, and I feel kind of left out. Although I am not one that goes too many parties anyway, I guess I had this expectation that uni was going to be different to school, and I would work hard beacuse I no longer had to the subjects that I hated and I would be doing something that I like. However things haven't turned out as planed.

I do intend to still go to uni, as I do like the course despite its few like issues here and there, but as far as life in gernal I honestly don't know. Which is also another thing school didn't like so much, was 'I don't know' when answering what you wanted to do cause of the pressure to go to uni, as that was plan go to uni then work there wasn't really time to figure yourself out that was done through school. Which is a lot of pressure for teenagers to do, it's a stuipd system and if you didn't know what you wanted to do, you were shamed and asked 'why'. It just supports the reasons why everyone hates school, cause it places pressure on certain areas that in reality take a lot longer to figure out.

And here I am an adult by law and have now clue how to fill out a tax return.

Hope you guys have a great week.

Talk to you guys soon xx