Hi everyone,
I thought I would make this post regarding “what to do after your last year of school." If your in Australia its almost near the end of school and open days for uni have started which means, "will you go to uni?". Now the obvious answer would be uni however uni is not for everyone and if your thinking about taking a gap then that’s okay.
For me during yr 12 especially there was so focus on ATTAR and what uni you will go to and for me I ended up thinking that was normal, that after yr 12 you would go onto uni and so forth. Now I knew that there were things like gap years but at my school it wasn’t really encourage therefore you wouldn’t consider it too much.
Now entering uni you come across a whole range of people. Mum’s that have decided to go back to study and get a degree, others who have do several years of uni in different courses and some who have taken a few years off for travel.
So if your one of those people who think that taking a gap year will mean you’ll be behind everyone else, don’t because there is a lot of people who are in the same position, and at uni everyone is all different ages so it doesn’t matter.
Overall after high school everything falls onto you, which can be scary and after years of being told what to do and what not to do, being responsible for everything can be tough. I have struggled and still am but it’s your life so do what you want to do and not feel pressured to be something your not. As cheesy as that last sentence was, its very much true.
Well that was some food for thought.
Hope your all well.
See you next time.
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