Hi everyone,
So I know that many of you are going through exams right now and yes it is a stressful time but it doesn't have to be, but you will make it through it will be hard
but it is a great feeling once its done.
Exams are like a big test with all the years work down size into one small test and having to remember all of that can be hard.
So I have created a few tips that may be useful for someone of you when studying. Now I not saying that this is the right way to study because everyone has different ways of studying, but I thought it might take the stress off some people.
Tip 1: study in half to hour blocks. It is said that the mind can only concentrate for 45 minutes, and going on further just is pointless. So maybe study for half an hour then treat yourself to maybe half an hour on facebook or tumblr but make sure you commit it because it is easy to just not study. If you can't then maybe ask your mum and dad to hold your phone or ipad while you study then give it back to you while your on your break then so on.
Tip 2: write out a massive summary one of each of your subjects in to books. So what I did was I found spare note books in my room and for each one I wrote a summaries of my subjects into notes books, and had a note book on each subject so just incase you forget your books, you have your summary to look back on and study from. Plus it refreshes your mind on what you have learnt.
Tip 3: flip cards can be useful for remembering definitions and a good way to test yourself, I have found that to be useful in the past. I didn't really use them much this time round when studying but I wish I did.
Tip 4: don't force yourself to study, but still do some. But if you are the point where you are trying to focus but can't, then take a break and come back to it, but don't leave it too long because then your trying to putting it off.
So there are just some tips that maybe you guys might find useful, but as I said you don't have to take these into account because if you have a way the works then thats great. I hope you have enjoyed reading this post.
See you next time xx
Beauty is not make up it's who you are. Dreams don't happen when you fall asleep, they also happen when you wake up. Don't live in others footsteps, live how you want to live.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Summer is Near
Hi everyone,
Summer is near and.....
EXAMS ARE OVER!!! For the past two weeks I have been full on with exams (again I am really sorry about my blogging, its been bad I know), but now its over and it is the best feeling because school now is basically over which means its almost summer holidays!!!
Summer holidays, it always puts me in a good mood when thinking about it. In the summer holidays, I feel the most relax and there is not stress to do anything, and of corse getting the summer tan is always a plus side, but not over doing it, but just a nice light summer glow is always nice. What do you like about summer?
As it is almost summer I am considering making a youtube channel where not only can I share things with you but also maybe do some make up tutorials on celebrities. I have been trying some out but they not ready just yet but yes that it what I am hoping to do. So that my little project this summer, its still in a working process because I still need to buy some equipment but I am hoping to start in the next month or so.
But I hope you all have been having a lovely week and if you are still doing exams I wish you the very best and hope that it all goes well.
See you next time
Summer is near and.....
EXAMS ARE OVER!!! For the past two weeks I have been full on with exams (again I am really sorry about my blogging, its been bad I know), but now its over and it is the best feeling because school now is basically over which means its almost summer holidays!!!
Summer holidays, it always puts me in a good mood when thinking about it. In the summer holidays, I feel the most relax and there is not stress to do anything, and of corse getting the summer tan is always a plus side, but not over doing it, but just a nice light summer glow is always nice. What do you like about summer?
As it is almost summer I am considering making a youtube channel where not only can I share things with you but also maybe do some make up tutorials on celebrities. I have been trying some out but they not ready just yet but yes that it what I am hoping to do. So that my little project this summer, its still in a working process because I still need to buy some equipment but I am hoping to start in the next month or so.
But I hope you all have been having a lovely week and if you are still doing exams I wish you the very best and hope that it all goes well.
See you next time
Friday, November 1, 2013
Just a little sunshine
Hi everyone,
I know its been while and I'm deeply for sorry for that, but as its a new month it can be fresh start. So a few days the lovely wonderful +Jessica Allen nominated me for a sunshine award, which I am honoured and I am very grateful for it, so thank you very much Jessica, (go and check out her blog its amazing!).
The idea of the sunshine award is about nominating eleven bloggers who put a little sunshine in your day and who are positive, creative and inspiring.
The rules:
-You have to post a picture of the Sunshine award in the blog post.
-Post 11 random facts about yourself.
-Answer the 11 questions from the blogger who nominated you.
-Nominate 11 wonderful bloggers.
-Write 11 questions for them to answer
-Let the blogger you nominated you know you have nominated them.
11 Random Facts
1. My favourite colour is blue.
2. I have a pet dog named Sally.
3. My favourite meal is fish and chips, and my family has it every Friday night.
4. I have been Canada and Japan.
5. My family is big on skiing.
6. I row.
7. I lived in America when I was little, and you could say I lived in the same town as Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.
8. I have no brothers and sisters.
9. My favourite animal is an owl.
10. I really want to go to New York when am I older. (hence the name)
11. Drama is my favourite subject.
Questions form Jessica
1. Why did you start blogging?
I started blogger for enjoyment, it was something I wanted to do for a while. My blog is a place where I can write and able to express myself and be able to connect with people with similar interests.
2. Flats or Heels?
I like both. Flats I like for everyday wear and going out for picnics, and Heels for getting dressed up for parties.
3. What's your biggest regret?
Its really hard to say because the saying go you should live life and have no regrets and like theres things that I wished I did but I think I might save that question for latter on in my life.
4. If you could have a special power what power would you have?
I think thats a tough question because there is so many cool powers, I find it really had choose just one. But if I had to choose one it would be teleport just so I could get to places faster and be able to sleep in more in the mornings.
5. Your favourite TV show?
I have a few. I am a fan of Vampire Dairies, I do like the Carrie Dairies and Pretty Little Lairs, I also got into Sherlock and I also watch Ja'mie Private School Girl and Gossip Girl.
6. What's your favourite quote?
I atcually don't have one. But I do like to say quotes from a number of things, like TV Shows, Movies (so many from Pitch Perfect) and tumblr as well.
7. What has been the most terrifying moment in your life and why?
I think it would have to be when my friend got slapped in the face by a man when we were having a picnic in the park and we had to spend the afternoon at the police station, I rather not go into too much detail.
8. Who's your role model and why?
I think I would say my mum and dad as their always there for me, have supported me over years and have always given me advice for the tough and good times and I don't think I could go a day without them as their mean the world to me.
9. One thing you couldn't live without?
My family and friends and also the internet (I really don't have an excuse for that)
10. What's your most memorable memory about your time at primary school?
I think it would be my first year as it was just a really good year it was my most happiest year at primary school and it was a great start into primary school and the rest of my school life, I just found it to be a really good highlight to reflect on.
11. What is your favourite season of the year?
Spring, as everyone happy as its almost summer and winter has finish and also its not too hot and its just a really nice temperature.
My Nominees:
Charlotte Rose
Kelly Ann Gonsalves
Kattie Kate
I only have four but I will nominate others with my next blog. But good luck for the nominees you guys have really good blog and I enjoy reading them.
My Questions for You:
1. Your biggest fear?
2. If you were to go anywhere in the world where would you go?
3. If you had three wishes what would their be?
4. If you could have a date with anyone who would it be?
5. Lipstick or Eyeshadow?
6. Your favourite book right now?
7. What song are you listening to right now or did listen to today?
8. Your favourite movie of all time?
9. If you could time travel what century would you like to visit the most?
10. Do you have a highlight of your life so far?
11. Who would you have dinner with? John Green or Harry Styles?
Its been really fun doing this tag and thank you so much Jess for nominating me. I hope you all have had a wonderful week.
See you next time x
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Hi everyone,
So it been a while, yeah sorry about that it's just been so busy lately with school, homework (as exams are coming up im 4 weeks which is scary), also I have had rowing, and drama and last night I went to a party which was Disney themed, I went as Alice from Alice and Wonderland, and my outfit consisted of a blue shirt and a white top with white shocks and black pair of flats. It's always fun dressing up and finding a costume although my costume was from things I had in my closest which is what I normally do, as it's saves time going out and shopping and also saves money, plus it's always good to recycle clothes cause you never know what you might have hidden. I hope that you guys have had a wonderful week xx
See you next time
So it been a while, yeah sorry about that it's just been so busy lately with school, homework (as exams are coming up im 4 weeks which is scary), also I have had rowing, and drama and last night I went to a party which was Disney themed, I went as Alice from Alice and Wonderland, and my outfit consisted of a blue shirt and a white top with white shocks and black pair of flats. It's always fun dressing up and finding a costume although my costume was from things I had in my closest which is what I normally do, as it's saves time going out and shopping and also saves money, plus it's always good to recycle clothes cause you never know what you might have hidden. I hope that you guys have had a wonderful week xx
See you next time
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Hi everyone,
Commitment, which can also refer to also a promise or pledge to something or someone. When we make a commitment to something sometimes it hard to keep at it due to other things that may ocurr, but in saying this when you committ to something, just take it bit by bit, step by step. Sometimes committing can be stressful and trying but if you slow it down and just go about it your own way commitment can be a bit earlier. But if you are one of those people committing to something diffulcut maybe set yourself a goal but little ones, ones that can be achieve but then again it's really up to you on how you committ to something.
The reason why I am brought it up today is because it is almost the end of school holidays for me, which means back to reality aka school. Along with school there is also sport and other out of school activities plus homework. So I thought I would make a promise in saying I will countine to blog with that I hope to at least put up a blog post once a week and maybe even two. I really want to stay committed to blogging as in the past week there has been postive feed back from you guys, which has made my day and I would just like to say thank you, you guys have been wonderful and fabulous.
So comittment it's differnet for everyone, not everyone can committ to the same thing perfectly, it takes time. By if you are willing it committ to something that is always earlier, don't committ to something if you don't like, because then it's hard on you.
In summary form me again I would just like to say thank you again for your postive feed back and I hope to blog once a week.
See you next time ❤️
Commitment, which can also refer to also a promise or pledge to something or someone. When we make a commitment to something sometimes it hard to keep at it due to other things that may ocurr, but in saying this when you committ to something, just take it bit by bit, step by step. Sometimes committing can be stressful and trying but if you slow it down and just go about it your own way commitment can be a bit earlier. But if you are one of those people committing to something diffulcut maybe set yourself a goal but little ones, ones that can be achieve but then again it's really up to you on how you committ to something.
The reason why I am brought it up today is because it is almost the end of school holidays for me, which means back to reality aka school. Along with school there is also sport and other out of school activities plus homework. So I thought I would make a promise in saying I will countine to blog with that I hope to at least put up a blog post once a week and maybe even two. I really want to stay committed to blogging as in the past week there has been postive feed back from you guys, which has made my day and I would just like to say thank you, you guys have been wonderful and fabulous.
So comittment it's differnet for everyone, not everyone can committ to the same thing perfectly, it takes time. By if you are willing it committ to something that is always earlier, don't committ to something if you don't like, because then it's hard on you.
In summary form me again I would just like to say thank you again for your postive feed back and I hope to blog once a week.
See you next time ❤️
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Keep Hoping
Hi everyone,
A few months ago I came across this book, Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I can tell you now, this book was perfect, I laughed, I cried, all my feelings just tumbled out at once. Now if you haven't read Fault in Our Stars, I highly recommend that you do. As this book is amazing and I can not wait for the movie.
Now the reason why I love this book is because I can relate to it, because I know people that have cancer and the challenges they face when having cancer, as it is tough and it does have an effect on family and friends. But I find people with cancer to be strong and courageous and the amount of hope they have is amazing. I makes me think how inspiring people with cancer are and what they going through and how they dealing with it. Its something you can't even put into words, because they are just normal people going through a tough situation in they lives but I can tell you I inspire to these people.
Now someone of you maybe know that having someone who is close to you that does have cancer, is tough, and watching someone you love go through that suffering and pain is hard. But what I can tell you is don't give up on hope because hope will keep you and the person going because you can't afford to think the worst, even if you know that the person dying, know that they are going to happy place and they will be safe.
I think if I can sum this whole thing up into a sentence or so I would say always keep hoping and if it is not a good outcome believe that things will get better and it will.
See you next time xx
A few months ago I came across this book, Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I can tell you now, this book was perfect, I laughed, I cried, all my feelings just tumbled out at once. Now if you haven't read Fault in Our Stars, I highly recommend that you do. As this book is amazing and I can not wait for the movie.
Now the reason why I love this book is because I can relate to it, because I know people that have cancer and the challenges they face when having cancer, as it is tough and it does have an effect on family and friends. But I find people with cancer to be strong and courageous and the amount of hope they have is amazing. I makes me think how inspiring people with cancer are and what they going through and how they dealing with it. Its something you can't even put into words, because they are just normal people going through a tough situation in they lives but I can tell you I inspire to these people.
Now someone of you maybe know that having someone who is close to you that does have cancer, is tough, and watching someone you love go through that suffering and pain is hard. But what I can tell you is don't give up on hope because hope will keep you and the person going because you can't afford to think the worst, even if you know that the person dying, know that they are going to happy place and they will be safe.
I think if I can sum this whole thing up into a sentence or so I would say always keep hoping and if it is not a good outcome believe that things will get better and it will.
See you next time xx
Friday, September 27, 2013
Be You
Hi everyone,
I thought I would list 3 simple reasons just to be you.
1. There is no one like you. Pretty obvious, I know but it's true. There is really only one you, everyone is created to be different, even if there is a person exactly like you (in looks), they are different in personality. No two people are the same.
2. Why would there really need to be someone else. Why should you change yourselves, to be like other people. I find this to be really sad, because people go through major pain and suffering just so that they can look like models or celebrities, when really there is no need. So what if your a little 'big' doesn't mean you should hurt yourself because of it. No one should ever feel like they are not worthless because everyone is worth it.
3. You got something special, that no else has. This might be your good are sport or acting or it can even be the way your laugh or give someone a hug, that make you stand out from the rest.
Just remember if you are ever feel like the world hates or you feel like you can't look the way you do, please remember that you are special, and that there are people out there who respect you and care for you and love you for begin who you are. Don't pretend to be someone else because in the end the only one that just hurt is you.
So just remember this everyone is created to be themselves and no one is created to be other people.
See you next ❤️
I thought I would list 3 simple reasons just to be you.
1. There is no one like you. Pretty obvious, I know but it's true. There is really only one you, everyone is created to be different, even if there is a person exactly like you (in looks), they are different in personality. No two people are the same.
2. Why would there really need to be someone else. Why should you change yourselves, to be like other people. I find this to be really sad, because people go through major pain and suffering just so that they can look like models or celebrities, when really there is no need. So what if your a little 'big' doesn't mean you should hurt yourself because of it. No one should ever feel like they are not worthless because everyone is worth it.
3. You got something special, that no else has. This might be your good are sport or acting or it can even be the way your laugh or give someone a hug, that make you stand out from the rest.
Just remember if you are ever feel like the world hates or you feel like you can't look the way you do, please remember that you are special, and that there are people out there who respect you and care for you and love you for begin who you are. Don't pretend to be someone else because in the end the only one that just hurt is you.
So just remember this everyone is created to be themselves and no one is created to be other people.
See you next ❤️
Monday, September 23, 2013
Just Relax
Hi everyone,
So night now I'm on holidays. One of the best times of the holidays is relaxing and just chilling out. Even if your not going away there are plenty of things you can do that may relax you and give you some time to chill.
They say when you are relax you are at ease, you feel clam and peaceful. Now how you relax is really up to you because everyone is different so relaxing for each person can be done in different ways.
But here are some tips that people might find interesting and useful.
Tip 1: Mediation: Now this one is the most common one to do becuause you do feel clam and relax afterwards. I think one of the best ways to mediated is just lying on the floor with your eyes shut and fousing on breathing. They say if you foucs on you breathing and taking nice big breathes and your body will relax. Mediation is a good way to conquer stress if you are a person who feels stressed, try and mediated every so often, it will help you stay clam.
Tip 2: Have time to yourself: There will always time be with friends and family and socializing, but there also a time to have to yourself. Now I'm not saying that be alone and not having social contact is good, but I mean maybe have a few hours in your room with music on and not doing anything productive, and just having time to think about you and how you feel and it's just a good way to escape reality.
Tip 3: Read a good book: if you are one of those people who can't stop thinking about your life and what goes on, and you want to escape that. Find a good book because you don't realise how fast times flies when your some where else and a good book also makes you laugh and cry and you emotions just come out. Plus reading a good book it takes you mind off things, and if your a person who constantly worries that can be a good thing.
Tip 4: Happiness: When your happy the world seems easy because you feel happy, you feel great and I feel like when I'm happy, I'm more relax. But when we are not happy that is when the world seems tough and everything just seems to annoying and nothing seems right. So do things that make you happy, because you don't enjoy things that is when the stress and tension comes back into your body, keynote if you are thinking about it, don't quite school, I just thought I might add that in because I know school can be annoying but also school is where friends are and friends make you happy, if you were not thinking about quitting school then great but I thought I might just add that in, I'm odd like that.
So there are just some tips and ways that might make you feel relax and chilled. I hope that can be useful to some of you reading this.
See you next time ❤️
So night now I'm on holidays. One of the best times of the holidays is relaxing and just chilling out. Even if your not going away there are plenty of things you can do that may relax you and give you some time to chill.
They say when you are relax you are at ease, you feel clam and peaceful. Now how you relax is really up to you because everyone is different so relaxing for each person can be done in different ways.
But here are some tips that people might find interesting and useful.
Tip 1: Mediation: Now this one is the most common one to do becuause you do feel clam and relax afterwards. I think one of the best ways to mediated is just lying on the floor with your eyes shut and fousing on breathing. They say if you foucs on you breathing and taking nice big breathes and your body will relax. Mediation is a good way to conquer stress if you are a person who feels stressed, try and mediated every so often, it will help you stay clam.
Tip 2: Have time to yourself: There will always time be with friends and family and socializing, but there also a time to have to yourself. Now I'm not saying that be alone and not having social contact is good, but I mean maybe have a few hours in your room with music on and not doing anything productive, and just having time to think about you and how you feel and it's just a good way to escape reality.
Tip 3: Read a good book: if you are one of those people who can't stop thinking about your life and what goes on, and you want to escape that. Find a good book because you don't realise how fast times flies when your some where else and a good book also makes you laugh and cry and you emotions just come out. Plus reading a good book it takes you mind off things, and if your a person who constantly worries that can be a good thing.
Tip 4: Happiness: When your happy the world seems easy because you feel happy, you feel great and I feel like when I'm happy, I'm more relax. But when we are not happy that is when the world seems tough and everything just seems to annoying and nothing seems right. So do things that make you happy, because you don't enjoy things that is when the stress and tension comes back into your body, keynote if you are thinking about it, don't quite school, I just thought I might add that in because I know school can be annoying but also school is where friends are and friends make you happy, if you were not thinking about quitting school then great but I thought I might just add that in, I'm odd like that.
So there are just some tips and ways that might make you feel relax and chilled. I hope that can be useful to some of you reading this.
See you next time ❤️
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Everyday Products
Hi everyone,
I thought today I would talk about some of the products that I use. I like these products because they not to harsh on the sink and they give off a natural light scent.
First Product: Is the Fragrance Free Facial Cleansing Whips: I like this product because not only does it remove make up but I always feel refresh afterwards. These are also great if you need to wake yourself up in the morning as well. Its also for all skin types, and it cleanses, tones and hydrates skin as well plus it also removes water prof make up. I recommended this because not only is a make up remover but it also great for cleansing the face.
Second Product: Mitchum Anti-perspirant Deodorant (powder fresh): I got introduce to this product by my mum (yes I know) but I actually really like it, as it's not to strong and it lasts longer for other deodorants. Also has a very natural scent and doesn't come off a strong so if your someone who likes to have a natural scent then this is a good product to use.
Third Product(s): Simple Moisturising Facial Wash and Hydrating Light Moisturiser: What I like about these two products is that after I use it my skin feels really soft and smooth. I would recommend using these products together as I find they work really well together. With the moisturiser I recommend don't use to much, or you face will feel oily but use just enough that it evenly covers your face.
Fourth Product: Vitamin E Moisture Lotion: I apply this product to my legs and I like it as it gives off a very mild scent and its nice to use at night time after having a shower. As I said it has a mild scent so it doesn't come off to strong and its gives off a nice light smell.
So there are just the everyday products I use. I just keep it simple and don't use to much on my skin.
Hope you like.
See you next time :)
I thought today I would talk about some of the products that I use. I like these products because they not to harsh on the sink and they give off a natural light scent.
First Product: Is the Fragrance Free Facial Cleansing Whips: I like this product because not only does it remove make up but I always feel refresh afterwards. These are also great if you need to wake yourself up in the morning as well. Its also for all skin types, and it cleanses, tones and hydrates skin as well plus it also removes water prof make up. I recommended this because not only is a make up remover but it also great for cleansing the face.
Second Product: Mitchum Anti-perspirant Deodorant (powder fresh): I got introduce to this product by my mum (yes I know) but I actually really like it, as it's not to strong and it lasts longer for other deodorants. Also has a very natural scent and doesn't come off a strong so if your someone who likes to have a natural scent then this is a good product to use.
Third Product(s): Simple Moisturising Facial Wash and Hydrating Light Moisturiser: What I like about these two products is that after I use it my skin feels really soft and smooth. I would recommend using these products together as I find they work really well together. With the moisturiser I recommend don't use to much, or you face will feel oily but use just enough that it evenly covers your face.
Fourth Product: Vitamin E Moisture Lotion: I apply this product to my legs and I like it as it gives off a very mild scent and its nice to use at night time after having a shower. As I said it has a mild scent so it doesn't come off to strong and its gives off a nice light smell.
So there are just the everyday products I use. I just keep it simple and don't use to much on my skin.
Hope you like.
See you next time :)
Early Mornings
Hi everyone,
So I thought I would talk about morning's and getting up early. Now I have to say when it's comes to getting up early or even getting out of bed I really do struggle espically on weekends. But I am on holidays at the moment so I can have a sleep in but on school morning and getting up for sport this is where I have a few tips.
Tip 1: Set an alarm: yeah I know it's a really common tip but it is really usefull. But if you are like me and don't listen to your first alarm always set another or use the snooze button. So what I suggest is if you have to be out of bed at a certain time say like 7:00am, I suggest setting your frist alarm for 6:45am. This way it tells you that it's almost time to get up and it also wakes up your body up as well. Then either have the snooze bottom set on for 15 minutes or set you other alarm for 7:00am. I find this really useful because I do like to sleep in the morning and by having two alarms it gives you time to wake up.
Tip 2: Splash some water on your face. If you still feel really tried, go to your bathroom and splash some water onto your face, I know it's sounds wired but it's wakes up your body up a little, because if you don't have a shower in the morning sometimes it's hard to wake up your body.
Tip 3: Have to some breakfast. After begin a asleep for 8-12 hours and your like me and love food, breakfast is always a good option, and if your also like me and always find it a struggle to have breakfast just try and eat something as it will fuel you up for the rest of day and it's always a long morning before recess so it's better to eat something than not eat at all. If you go find it a struggle to eat something, then try something like a breakfast drink. Up and Go's are good, as if you are like me and do sports in the mornings it's always good to have something to have afterwards. Now I know that Up and Go's don't taste that great but are still nice but what I do is a freeze them and before I go to sport I will take it out of the freezer and put it in my bag, and after sports it will still be frozen but it would be drinkable and what I do is I would stick the straw into to the up and go and then take it out and suck the rest through the straw now I know it sounds strange and odd but it is a alternative if you don't like drinking it straight from the actually drink it's self. I guess it's sounds wried but it's really it's tastes really nice and it short of tastes like a frozen milkshake if that makes sense.
So there are just some simple tips for getting started in the morning. I hope that some of you find them useful.
See you next time ❤️
So I thought I would talk about morning's and getting up early. Now I have to say when it's comes to getting up early or even getting out of bed I really do struggle espically on weekends. But I am on holidays at the moment so I can have a sleep in but on school morning and getting up for sport this is where I have a few tips.
Tip 1: Set an alarm: yeah I know it's a really common tip but it is really usefull. But if you are like me and don't listen to your first alarm always set another or use the snooze button. So what I suggest is if you have to be out of bed at a certain time say like 7:00am, I suggest setting your frist alarm for 6:45am. This way it tells you that it's almost time to get up and it also wakes up your body up as well. Then either have the snooze bottom set on for 15 minutes or set you other alarm for 7:00am. I find this really useful because I do like to sleep in the morning and by having two alarms it gives you time to wake up.
Tip 2: Splash some water on your face. If you still feel really tried, go to your bathroom and splash some water onto your face, I know it's sounds wired but it's wakes up your body up a little, because if you don't have a shower in the morning sometimes it's hard to wake up your body.
Tip 3: Have to some breakfast. After begin a asleep for 8-12 hours and your like me and love food, breakfast is always a good option, and if your also like me and always find it a struggle to have breakfast just try and eat something as it will fuel you up for the rest of day and it's always a long morning before recess so it's better to eat something than not eat at all. If you go find it a struggle to eat something, then try something like a breakfast drink. Up and Go's are good, as if you are like me and do sports in the mornings it's always good to have something to have afterwards. Now I know that Up and Go's don't taste that great but are still nice but what I do is a freeze them and before I go to sport I will take it out of the freezer and put it in my bag, and after sports it will still be frozen but it would be drinkable and what I do is I would stick the straw into to the up and go and then take it out and suck the rest through the straw now I know it sounds strange and odd but it is a alternative if you don't like drinking it straight from the actually drink it's self. I guess it's sounds wried but it's really it's tastes really nice and it short of tastes like a frozen milkshake if that makes sense.
So there are just some simple tips for getting started in the morning. I hope that some of you find them useful.
See you next time ❤️
Welcome to My blog
Hi everyone,
Welcome to my blog (hence the title) but my blog will basically be based around Health, Beauty and Lifestyle. In this blog I will post up little simple tips for you, even recommended some products that you could try. Also I can talk about how to keep fit and maintain a good body, espically for the summer season. Also maybe I recommended do some inspired looks on either celebrities or fictional characters. So stayed tuned to find out more. Also if you reading this have any recommendations please comment below that would be great. And most importantly I hope that people will enjoy my blog and find it useful.
See you next time ❤️
Welcome to my blog (hence the title) but my blog will basically be based around Health, Beauty and Lifestyle. In this blog I will post up little simple tips for you, even recommended some products that you could try. Also I can talk about how to keep fit and maintain a good body, espically for the summer season. Also maybe I recommended do some inspired looks on either celebrities or fictional characters. So stayed tuned to find out more. Also if you reading this have any recommendations please comment below that would be great. And most importantly I hope that people will enjoy my blog and find it useful.
See you next time ❤️
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